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Ontario Speed dating is on HTTP

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Your Questions answered

What happened?

Like other websites, we tried making our main site with HTTPS, but we decided to revert back to HTTP after learning that the initial load time of each HTTPS page is double that of an HTTP page

What's wrong with HTTPS?

When an HTTPS page is requested, more connection requests are made to the server and certificates are verified. This process takes time, and compared to our fast loading speed, this additional time for a purely informative site is an overkill. Don't believe us? Test our website speed on webpagetest.org using the button below.

Why is HTTPS forced on me?

Sadly, everyone thinks that HTTPS is wonderful in every aspect, but that isn't the case with us.

You may need to clear your browser cache settings for any HTTP website to work again because some browsers, particularly Chrome, Firefox and Edge love to force a redirect to the HTTPS version of a site. If you try our HTTP version without clearing the cache, then you could end up back here again.

Learn how to clear the cache.

How do I stop the force to HTTPS?

Older web browsers

Users of older web browsers like Netscape Navigator, and Internet Explorer, don't need to take action.

Modern Firefox

Users of firefox can go to the HTTPS-Only mode under their preferences and disable it by selecting "Dont Enable HTTPS-only mode".

Other web browsers

We have provided links to instructions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge users on how to disable automatic redirection to HTTPS. Click the name of your browser to continue

Google Chrome Microsoft Edge

Will you ever make the HTTP version HTTPS-only again?

Not at this time. We tried free SSL certificates, and they're slow. We are not going to spend a ton of money to order a certificate from another third-party just to please the HTTPSmaniacs when we have a wonderful site already running faster on HTTP.

Why show this page instead of an error by the browser?

Because we care about you, and the last thing we want is our inbox flooded with messages about our website not working.